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On-Demand Webinar

Content Marketing in the Age of Uncertainty

Learn how marketers can combine empathy, agility and technology to create meaningful customer interactions.

About the webinar

Lately, it seems like stability and routine are things of the distant past.

It’s hard enough to plan for tomorrow, let alone next quarter or next year.
Still, marketers have a vital role to play – and a way to emerge stronger than before.

By combining thoughtful content with technologies like predictive analytics and AI, marketers can predict sentiment and orchestrate meaningful interactions.

Join this live webinar to learn how to respond to current needs, recover revenue and reinvent your brand for resiliency.

We'll discuss how to:

  • Embrace content syndication in dynamic settings.
  • Tailor personalized content for each stage of the sales funnel – with empathy.
  • Apply new and existing technologies to help shape today’s customer journey.

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About the Experts

Speaker 1

Wilson Raj
Global Director of Customer Intelligence, SAS

Speaker 2

Ann Handley
Digital marketing pioneer, Wall Street Journal best-selling author and head of content at MarketingProfs