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SAS Credential
Advanced Analytics Professional

The SAS Certified Advanced Analytics Professional Using SAS®9 will retire on June 30, 2025. All certifications earned before this date will not expire and will remain valid after the credential is retired.

Advanced Analytics Professional

Show you have the skills the market is looking for, whether you want to expand your career potential or stand out in a competitive field.


With this certification, you’ll prove you’ve mastered these skills:

  • Data preparation and reporting: Prepare data and create detailed and summary reports using Base SAS procedures.

  • Advanced modeling and analysis: Implement machine learning, predictive modeling, pattern analysis and time series forecasting for business optimization and decision making.

  • Model deployment and big data: Deploy open source models in SAS and apply predictive techniques to big, distributed and in-memory data sets.

Curious about why you should get certified? Watch the video to learn more.

How to Combine Credentials

Candidates will be awarded the Advanced Analytics Professional credential once they have earned the SAS Certified Specialist: Advanced Predictive Modeling Using SAS® 9.4 credential, the SAS Certified Specialist: SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation and Optimization Using SAS® 9.4 credential and the SAS Certified Predictive Modeler Using SAS® Enterprise Miner 7, 13 or 14 credential.

Candidates who hold the SAS Certified Predictive Modeler Using SAS Enterprise Miner 7, 13, or 14 credential do not need to take this exam.

Pricing and Discounts

Female student sitting on school stairs with open laptop

Are you a student or educator?

Being a student, educator or independent learner means you get academic discounts on SAS certification exams, e-learning and more. So now you can crack the books – without breaking the bank.