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Together, SAS and EY take analytics to deliver a compelling value proposition for our customers and transform how businesses operate.

Our technologies are built to work together seamlessly. For example, that means Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, combined with Intel® Optane™ SSDs and persistent memory technology, can deliver greater parallelism for analytics workloads in SAS Viya. With SAS and Intel, it’s practical partnership and innovation at every level. Pat Richards Director, Big Data and Analytics Intel

SAS and EY: Working Together

Analytics is transforming how businesses operate. EY is embedding analytics capabilities across all our services and investing in analytics-driven, industry-specific offerings. The skills, brand, relationships and subject-matter experience of EY – paired with the innovative analytics, business intelligence and data management solutions from SAS – deliver a compelling value proposition for our customers.

Together, SAS and EY deliver.

Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration

We combine structured and unstructured data and state-of-the-art SAS technology with hybrid techno-functional resources that are critical for the success of large business transformation programs.

Health Life Sciences

Health Life Sciences

Our robust analytic tools and techniques, including AI and machine learning, help you gain a competitive edge in the high-stakes world of clinical research analytics. SAS and EY can help you make sense of it all – at any scale.

Supply Chain & Logistics

Supply Chain & Logistics

SAS and EY leverages a best-in-class combination of subject matter expertise and technology enabling demand forecasting and planning functionality for driving a transformational approach to Supply Chain.


  • Partners Curiosity


    SAS and EY At a Glance

    The SAS and EY alliance combines the data, software and processing capabilities of the SAS® Viya® platform with EY's consulting and market experience, giving clients a single access point for advanced analytics service offerings. Together, we deliver a compelling value proposition for our customers.

    Evidence-based policing


    SAS and EY: Redefining trade transaction monitoring with automation and analytics

    SAS and EY have deployed a combination of text mining, image recognition and machine learning models that help global financial institutions achieve higher model accuracies, improve operational efficiencies, and process millions of transactions.

    Nonstop, real-time, analytics-driven CNC machine condition monitoring at the edge


    Time to Accelerate the Finance Transformation

    Join us as EY and SAS reflect on their journey to assist public insurers with lessons learned and they’ll share a look ahead to leveraging these lessons learned for non-public insurers as they embark on their LDTI journey.

Contact Us

Do you have questions about how EY and SAS can help your organization? We’re ready to help. Start here:

Mahdi Amri
SAS Global Alliance Director, EY

Graham Perry
EY Global Alliance Manager, SAS

Robert Zimmer
EY Partner Success Manager, SAS (NA)

Axel Siliadin
SAS National Alliance Leader & Global Co-Leader, EY

Power of the Partner

EY exists to build a better working world, helping create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals have under data protection legislation are available via EY member firms do not practice law where prohibited by local laws. For more information about our organization, please visit

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