Soluções & Produtos

Produtos SAS & Soluções
Ajudar todas as organizações de todos os setores a tomar decisões mais inteligentes e orientadas por dados - e talvez tornar o mundo um lugar melhor.
- SAS® com SingleStoreObtenha acesso aberto aos dados e acelere os processos analíticos com o banco de dados SingleStore incorporado em nossa plataforma analítica.
- SAS® Data EngineeringStreamline your data and empower your business with the next generation of data engineering solutions.
- SAS® Econometrics Modele, preveja e simule cenários econômicos e de negócios complexos usando grandes quantidades de dados observacionais.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
- SAS® Intelligent DecisioningEasily create, manage and govern robust, analytically driven business rules to power decisioning at scale.
- SAS® OptimizationUtilize uma poderosa gama de técnicas de otimização, simulação e programação de projetos para identificar ações que obterão os melhores resultados, enquanto operam dentro das limitações de recursos e outras restrições relevantes.
- SAS® Visual ForecastingGere grandes números de previsões confiáveis, rápida e automaticamente, utilizando séries cronológicas e técnicas de machine learning.
- SAS® Visual Text AnalyticsScale the human act of reading, organizing and extracting useful information from huge volumes of textual data.
- SAS® Workload ManagementAmplie o poder do Kubernetes, otimizando e priorizando as cargas de trabalho SAS dentro de um cluster Kubernetes.
Análise avançada
Software em destaque
- SAS® Enterprise Miner™Streamline the data mining process to create highly accurate predictive and descriptive models based on large volumes of data.
- SAS® Visual Data Mining e Machine LearningApoiar processos de mineração de dados e aprendizagem de máquinas de ponta a ponta com interfaces visuais e de programação abrangentes para usuários de todos os níveis de habilidade.
Software em destaque
- SAS® Econometrics Modele, preveja e simule cenários econômicos e de negócios complexos usando grandes quantidades de dados observacionais.
- SAS® Forecast ServerProduce large numbers of forecasts quickly and automatically to improve planning and decision making.
- SAS® Visual ForecastingGere grandes números de previsões confiáveis, rápida e automaticamente, utilizando séries cronológicas e técnicas de machine learning.
Software em destaque
- SAS/QC®.Vá além do controle básico do processo para melhorar os produtos, otimizar os processos e aumentar a satisfação do cliente.
- SAS/STAT®Take advantage of extensive statistical capabilities to meet the data analysis needs of your entire organization.
- SAS® IMLTraduzir facilmente fórmulas matemáticas em programas inovadores para cálculos matriciais, análise numérica, otimização, simulação, estatística e análise de dados.
- SAS® Visual StatisticsConstrua e ajuste facilmente um grande número de modelos preditivos na hora.
Software em destaque
- SAS/OR®Optimize business processes and address challenges with enhanced operations research methods.
- SAS® OptimizationUtilize uma poderosa gama de técnicas de otimização, simulação e programação de projetos para identificar ações que obterão os melhores resultados, enquanto operam dentro das limitações de recursos e outras restrições relevantes.
- SAS® Simulation StudioBuild models that mimic complex, real-life systems so you can better understand and optimize them using discrete event simulation.
Inteligência Artificial (IA) & Aprendizado de máquina
Visão computacional
Machine learning
Processamento de linguagem natural
Software em destaque
- SAS® Visual Data Mining e Machine LearningApoiar processos de mineração de dados e aprendizagem de máquinas de ponta a ponta com interfaces visuais e de programação abrangentes para usuários de todos os níveis de habilidade.
- SAS® Visual Text AnalyticsScale the human act of reading, organizing and extracting useful information from huge volumes of textual data.
Augmented Analytics & Business Intelligence
Software em destaque
- SAS® Information GovernanceEncontre facilmente dados e ativos analíticos, enquanto simultaneamente protege e avalia sua aptidão para o uso.
- SAS® Viya®Benefit from faster data integration, effective model development and reduced cloud costs.
- SAS® Visual AnalyticsDiscover and explore relationships in data, and share insights.
Software em destaque
- SAS® for Microsoft 365Get seamless access to analytical insights by using Microsoft 365 applications alongside SAS Viya.
- SAS® Viya®Benefit from faster data integration, effective model development and reduced cloud costs.
- SAS Visual Analytics SDKEmbed SAS Visual Analytics content within custom web pages and web apps by using a collection of JavaScript libraries.
- SAS® Visual AnalyticsDiscover and explore relationships in data, and share insights.
Software em destaque
Software em destaque
- SAS® 360 DiscoverCapture behavioral information across your brand’s digital customer experience and extend past traditional digital analytic reporting.
- SAS® Intelligent Planning CloudGaranta a disponibilidade na prateleira por meio de um serviço de planejamento de demanda hiperpreciso.
- SAS® Energy Forecasting CloudOptimize decisions, reduce computing requirements and unburden your IT organization with the highest-quality, AI-embedded short-term and very-short-term forecasts – delivered as a service.
SAS em destaque nas soluções do Azure
- SAS® for Cold Chain IntegrityEnsure cold chain integrity to maintain product quality, minimize losses and avoid potential regulatory violations.
- SAS for Flood Prediction & Preparedness | Powered by Azure IoTGain real-time situational awareness for alerting emergency services and improving citizen safety with a solution that combines sensor data and advanced analytics.
- SAS for Improved Manufacturing Quality | Powered by AzureGain a holistic view of quality across the enterprise and throughout the entire product life cycle.
- SAS for Insurance Contract Valuation | Powered by AzureStay in front of IFRS 17/LDTI compliance requirements without losing visibility.
- SAS for Livestock Monitoring | Powered by Azure IoTProactively optimize the animal growth cycle, yield and quality with improved health monitoring across all locations.
- SAS for Risk Modeling & Decisioning | Powered by AzureModernize risk across the organization with a trusted solution for managing analytical models and decision strategies.
- SAS for Transforming Clinical Trial Analysis & Submission | Powered by AzureAdvance clinical data science with regulatory-grade analytics in support of decentralized, patient-centric clinical trials.
- SAS for Transforming Health Outcomes Through Analytics | Powered by AzureImprove clinical and operational insights through AI-driven predictive health analytics.
- SAS® Intelligent Planning CloudGaranta a disponibilidade na prateleira por meio de um serviço de planejamento de demanda hiperpreciso.
Gestão de Dados
Software em destaque
- SAS® StudioGet easy, self-sufficient access to enterprise and cloud data sources, data quality functions and an extended flow designer.
- SAS® Information GovernanceEncontre facilmente dados e ativos analíticos, enquanto simultaneamente protege e avalia sua aptidão para o uso.
- SAS® In-Database TechnologiesReduza o tempo necessário para qualidade de dados chave e processos analíticos executando-os dentro do banco de dados. Disponível para Hadoop Cloud Services, Cloudera Data Platform, Azure Synapse Analytics, Databricks e Teradata.
Software em destaque
Tomada de decisões
Software em destaque
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
- SAS® Intelligent DecisioningEasily create, manage and govern robust, analytically driven business rules to power decisioning at scale.
- SAS® Model ManagerSimplify the creation and management of your model collection with a web-based interface that easily automates the model management process.
- SAS® Visual Data Mining e Machine LearningApoiar processos de mineração de dados e aprendizagem de máquinas de ponta a ponta com interfaces visuais e de programação abrangentes para usuários de todos os níveis de habilidade.
Fraude & Segurança
Software em destaque
Internet das Coisas (IoT)
Software em destaque
- SAS for Livestock Monitoring | Powered by Azure IoTProactively optimize the animal growth cycle, yield and quality with improved health monitoring across all locations.
- SAS® Analytics for IoTDrive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
Software em destaque
- SAS® Analytics for IoTDrive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
- SAS® Health SolutionsAccelerate time to value with industry-specific analytics and guided interactive visuals.
- SAS® OptimizationUtilize uma poderosa gama de técnicas de otimização, simulação e programação de projetos para identificar ações que obterão os melhores resultados, enquanto operam dentro das limitações de recursos e outras restrições relevantes.
Software em destaque
- SAS® Analytics for IoTDrive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
- SAS® Fraud Decisioning for ClaimsDetect, prevent and manage insurance claims fraud across all lines of business.
- SAS® Insurance Analytics ArchitectureConsolidate data across the organization and make it easily accessible for analytics and reporting.
Software em destaque
- SAS® Analytics for IoTDrive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- SAS® Asset Performance AnalyticsHarness M2M and sensor data to boost uptime, performance and productivity while lowering maintenance costs and reducing your risk of revenue loss.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
- SAS® Field Quality AnalyticsDetect emerging issues and perform root-cause analysis to improve product quality and brand reputation.
Software em destaque
- SAS® Analytics for IoTDrive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
- SAS® Intelligent DecisioningEasily create, manage and govern robust, analytically driven business rules to power decisioning at scale.
- SAS® Visual Data Mining e Machine LearningApoiar processos de mineração de dados e aprendizagem de máquinas de ponta a ponta com interfaces visuais e de programação abrangentes para usuários de todos os níveis de habilidade.
Software em destaque
- SAS® Analytics for IoTDrive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
Software em destaque
- SAS® Analytics for IoTDrive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- SAS® Asset Performance AnalyticsHarness M2M and sensor data to boost uptime, performance and productivity while lowering maintenance costs and reducing your risk of revenue loss.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
- SAS® Quality Analytic SuiteIdentify issues earlier, find root causes faster and greatly reduce costs associated with recalls and brand reputation erosion.
Software em destaque
- SAS® Analytics for IoTDrive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- SAS® Asset Performance AnalyticsHarness M2M and sensor data to boost uptime, performance and productivity while lowering maintenance costs and reducing your risk of revenue loss.
- SAS® Energy ForecastingImprove energy forecast performance, reduce uncertainties and generate value.
- SAS® Energy Forecasting CloudOptimize decisions, reduce computing requirements and unburden your IT organization with the highest-quality, AI-embedded short-term and very-short-term forecasts – delivered as a service.
- SAS® Event Stream ProcessingUse machine learning and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
Analytics para marketing
Software em destaque
Software em destaque
- Multichannel Marketing Hub | SAS® Customer Intelligence 360Individualize every customer interaction in real time with a modern multichannel marketing hub.
- SAS® Intelligent DecisioningEasily create, manage and govern robust, analytically driven business rules to power decisioning at scale.
- SAS® Visual AnalyticsDiscover and explore relationships in data, and share insights.
- SAS® Visual StatisticsConstrua e ajuste facilmente um grande número de modelos preditivos na hora.
- SAS® Visual Data Mining e Machine LearningApoiar processos de mineração de dados e aprendizagem de máquinas de ponta a ponta com interfaces visuais e de programação abrangentes para usuários de todos os níveis de habilidade.
Software em destaque
- Multichannel Marketing Hub | SAS® Customer Intelligence 360Individualize every customer interaction in real time with a modern multichannel marketing hub.
- SAS® Intelligent DecisioningEasily create, manage and govern robust, analytically driven business rules to power decisioning at scale.
- SAS® Visual AnalyticsDiscover and explore relationships in data, and share insights.
- SAS® Visual Data Mining e Machine LearningApoiar processos de mineração de dados e aprendizagem de máquinas de ponta a ponta com interfaces visuais e de programação abrangentes para usuários de todos os níveis de habilidade.
- SAS® Visual StatisticsConstrua e ajuste facilmente um grande número de modelos preditivos na hora.
Software em destaque
Operacionalização do Analytics
Software em destaque
Gerenciamento de risco
Soluções Kamakura em destaque
Soluções que ampliam os recursos de ALM
- SAS® Model Risk ManagementSignificantly reduce your model risk, improve your decision making and financial performance, and meet regulatory demands with comprehensive model risk management.
- SAS® Risk ModelingQuickly develop, validate, deploy and track risk models in house – while minimizing model risk and improving model governance.
- SAS® Solution for Stress TestingMeet the challenges of enterprise stress testing and gain strategic advantage through advanced scenario-based planning.
Soluções em destaque
- SAS® Risk EngineMake better, faster decisions based on current views of your overall risk exposure.
- SAS® Credit ScoringDevelop, validate and monitor credit scorecards faster, cheaper and more flexibly than any outsourcing alternative.
- SAS® Solution for Regulatory CapitalProactively manage regulatory risk with a single, end-to-end risk management environment.
- SAS® Risk ModelingQuickly develop, validate, deploy and track risk models in house – while minimizing model risk and improving model governance.
- SAS® Model Implementation Platform Quickly and efficiently execute a wide range of models used in bank stress tests and other enterprise-level risk assessments.
- SAS® Regulatory Content for EBA TaxonomiesMeet European Banking Authority (EBA) reporting requirements and gain business value with a collection of industry-leading reporting content.
Soluções que ampliam os recursos de gerenciamento de risco de crédito
Soluções em destaque
Soluções que ampliam os recursos de teste de estresse corporativo
- SAS® Model Risk ManagementSignificantly reduce your model risk, improve your decision making and financial performance, and meet regulatory demands with comprehensive model risk management.
- SAS® Risk ModelingQuickly develop, validate, deploy and track risk models in house – while minimizing model risk and improving model governance.
- SAS® Solution for CECLQuickly meet new US Financial Accounting Standards Board current expected credit loss (CECL) standards with best practices for modeling, workflow and reporting.
- SAS® Solution for IFRS 9Accelerate time to benefit and quickly meet IFRS 9 standards.
Soluções em destaque
- SAS® Allowance for Credit LossAddress CECL and IFRS 9 requirements with a fully governed, automated workflow.
- SAS® Solution for CECLQuickly meet new US Financial Accounting Standards Board current expected credit loss (CECL) standards with best practices for modeling, workflow and reporting.
- SAS® Solution for IFRS 9Accelerate time to benefit and quickly meet IFRS 9 standards.
Soluções que ampliam os recursos de ECL
- SAS® Model Risk ManagementSignificantly reduce your model risk, improve your decision making and financial performance, and meet regulatory demands with comprehensive model risk management.
- SAS® Risk ModelingQuickly develop, validate, deploy and track risk models in house – while minimizing model risk and improving model governance.
- SAS® Solution for Stress TestingMeet the challenges of enterprise stress testing and gain strategic advantage through advanced scenario-based planning.
Soluções em destaque
- SAS® Governance and Compliance ManagerBuild trust in risk and compliance programs by connecting the enterprise.
- SAS® Model Risk ManagementSignificantly reduce your model risk, improve your decision making and financial performance, and meet regulatory demands with comprehensive model risk management.
Soluções em destaque
- SAS for Insurance Contract Valuation | Powered by AzureStay in front of IFRS 17/LDTI compliance requirements without losing visibility.
- SAS® Dynamic Actuarial ModelingReduce silos, automate processes and facilitate cross-departmental collaboration with a complete, end-to-end pricing solution that includes innovative, AI-based premium modeling.
- SAS® Insurance Capital ManagementMeet evolving insurance capital requirements and regulatory compliance demands, and gain a greater understanding of your company's risk and financial condition.
- SAS® Solution for IFRS 17Simplify your transition to the IFRS accounting standard with best-in-class models, workflow and reporting.
- SAS® Solution for LDTIManage, audit and trace all steps of LDTI compliance processes within a single, integrated environment.
- SAS® Solution for Stress TestingMeet the challenges of enterprise stress testing and gain strategic advantage through advanced scenario-based planning.
Soluções que ampliam os recursos de gerenciamento de riscos de seguros
- SAS® Governance and Compliance ManagerBuild trust in risk and compliance programs by connecting the enterprise.
- SAS® Model Risk ManagementSignificantly reduce your model risk, improve your decision making and financial performance, and meet regulatory demands with comprehensive model risk management.
Software Acadêmico Grátis
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