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Meet SAS customers

Jim Metcalf headshot

Jim Metcalf
Chief Data Scientist
Healthy Nevada Project

Kelly Mahoney headshot

Kelly Mahoney
Vice President, Customer Marketing
Ulta Beauty

What customers are saying

  • We control virtually every process in our organization with data, so it is essential that we work with an analytics platform that is user-friendly and accessible to everyone. By transitioning to SAS Viya, we are ready for the future." Hans Soeteman • Head of Information Provision Platforms • Rijkswaterstaat

G2, il sito di recensioni peer-to-peer, conferma il valore di SAS Viya

Top 50 Analytics Products badge
Leader Fall 2024 badge
Top 50 AI Products badge
  • “(SAS Viya) è una piattaforma AI orientata al futuro.”
    Sheetam V., Senior Manager

Learn from SAS customers

Businessman giving financial consultation to young couple


GenAI’s Role in Transforming the Future of Financial Services

Man assessing and documenting damage to car


Using AI to Build a Better Insurance Industry

Woman checking her smart watch for health data after exercising


The Health Pulse: Real-World Data and the Bigger Picture of Health

SAS customer recognition award winners

Award: Innovative Problem Solver

Shionogi, a Japanese pharma company making a strong impact in infectious diseases and cancer pain, successfully replaced human-driven analysis programs in clinical trials with SAS machine-driven programs, becoming the first to achieve this in the industry.

Shionogi logo

Award: Curious Thinker

Pegasus Airlines, purchased by Esas Group in 2005, is a leading low-cost airline in Turkey. Using SAS Customer Intelligence 360 allows Pegasus to better target and segment its customer base, while defining communication channels for a personalized and effective passenger interaction strategy.

Pegasus Airlines logo

Award: Community Uplift

CPESN® USA is America’s first clinically integrated network of pharmacy providers. During the pandemic, SAS helped the network of 2,000 pharmacies meet extensive federal requirements for data management and reporting and administer nearly 7 million vaccinations to communities in need.

Cpesn logo

Explore blogs about customers making smarter decisions with data and AI


News and announcements

Doctor listening to baby breathing with stethoscope

Health researchers can use SAS to analyze most diverse biomedical data sets

GenAI in academic medical centers | news

Healthcare IT Today: Getting ready for Generative AI in academic medical centers

three business people discussing graphs on screen in meeting room

Expanded SAS Viya uses generative AI to accelerate customer productivity