Clients SAS

- Secteur d'activité
- Banque
- Télécommunications, médias et technologie
- Enseignement
- Secteur public
- Santé
- Assurance
- Sciences de la vie
- Industrie
- Commerce de détail et biens de consommation
- Sports et divertissements
- Services
- Petites et moyennes entreprises
- Énergie et services publics
- Voyage
- Pétrole et gaz
- Local Customer Story
- Thème
- L'analytique
- Machine Learning et Deep Learning
- Marketing
- Data Management
- Fraude
- Gestion des risques
- Cloud
- IoT
- Data for Good
- Intelligence artificielle
- La prise de décision
- La ville de Cary Les villes connectées utilisent l'analytique et l'IoT pour prédire et gérer les inondations
- La France Mutualiste Accompagner les transformations grâce aux outils décisionnels analytiques
- Fédération Française de Rugby L’IA et la donnée au service de la performance du rugby français
- Treezor Treezor lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et la fraude
- Relais Colis Relais Colis s’appuie sur l’analytique pour optimiser ses processus et sa productivité
- UTWIN Comment UTWIN a boosté ses performances grâce à son expertise en analytique
- Verspieren Depuis 15 ans, Verspieren modernise et renforce son expertise analytique avec SAS
- Orange Bank Orange Bank déploie le filtrage des sanctions en temps réel avec SAS et Neterium
- CGI Finance CGI Finance bascule son analytique SAS on premise vers SAS Viya sur le Cloud.
- AgroSolutions AgroSolutions : l'analytique au service de l'agriculture moderne
- National Bank of Greece La transformation de la Banque Nationale de Grèce avec SAS® Viya® sur Azure
- auxmoney La croissance rapide de cette entreprise Fintech entraîne une stratégie cloud cohérente.
- Groupe Iveco Exploiter les données IoT des véhicules connectés
- Centre Oscar Lambret L’analytique se met au service des patients atteints de cancer
- Covéa L’analytique big data au service des assurés
- InShared InShared adopte une approche marketing omnicanal intégrée grâce à la solution SAS Customer Intelligence
- Banca Progetto Des simulations et des modèles « résistants aux conditions de stress » avancés aident la banque digitale à faire face aux incertitudes
- SNCF Transilien Le Big Data pour améliorer les transports franciliens
- CHU de Montpellier L’analytique au cœur de la gestion de la COVID à l’hôpital
- PostFinance L'établissement financier suisse utilise l'analytique avancée pour réinventer sa stratégie marketing et personnaliser l'expérience client
- Enéo Au Cameroun, l’électricité se convertit à l’analytique
- Au SPF Santé Publique aussi, les données sauvent des vies humaines Au SPF Santé Publique aussi, les données sauvent des vies humaines
- PRO BTP PRO BTP utilise SAS pour optimiser le pilotage de ses fonds propres
- CNAMTS Assurance maladie : la biostatistique au cœur du pilotage du système de santé
- AMF L'AMF renforce sa collaboration avec SAS
- Generali Hellas Generali Hellas visualise et améliore la qualité de son service client grâce à SAS® Visual Analytics
- DBV Technologies DBV renforce ses capacités d'analyse de données cliniques grâce à l'outil SAS® Visual Analytics
- Honda Honda
- Groupe Santiane Le Groupe Santiane accroît sa performance de 170% en 6 mois !
- Konica Minolta Japan L'intelligence artificielle de SAS permet d'améliorer la satisfaction client
- Caisse nationale de l'Assurance Maladie Hôpitaux : le big data au coeur de la révolution ambulatoire
- Darty Darty met la puissance de l’analytique au service de sa force commerciale
- Covéa Covéa adopte la visualisation des données pour piloter techniquement le réseau d’agents généraux MMA
- Orange Cameroun Au Cameroun, Orange dope son chiffre d’affaires avec l’analytique
ConradConrad Suivre la rentabilité de ses produits et améliorer sa connaissance client
SNCF Gares & ConnexionsSNCF Gares & Connexions SNCF Gares & Connexions - Le Big Data entre en gare avec SAS
CNP AssurancesCNP Assurances CNP Assurances
Pôle EmploiPôle Emploi La gestion des risques chez Pôle Emploi
KBCKBC KBC utilise SAS pour satisfaire aux exigences en matière de rapports sur les risques et aux directives Solvabilité II.
- - Connaissance - Connaissance client Réussir la ré-internalisation de la connaissance client
SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) SAS aide le SEBI à protéger les investisseurs indiens des traders peu scrupuleux
CESPCESP Le CESP utilise SAS pour analyser des données médias
CrédocCrédoc Le CRÉDOC fournit à Pôle emploi des éléments de connaissance du marché du travail essentiels à ses actions
SecurexSecurex Le prestataire de services aux RH Securex s'oriente vers une solution CRM fiable à 100%
Auchan-OneyAuchan-Oney Auchan-Oney - Des visuels en haute définition sur les performances des produits et les caractéristiques des clients.
OXMO CDMOXMO CDM OXMO CDM, utilise SAS pour produire les rapports nécessaires à toute demande d’Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché (AMM)
Crédito y CauciónCrédito y Caución Une compagnie d'assurance-crédit intègre des ratios de qualité dans l'évaluation des risques
- Secteur d'activité
- Banque
- Télécommunications, médias et technologie
- Enseignement
- Secteur public
- Santé
- Assurance
- Sciences de la vie
- Industrie
- Commerce de détail et biens de consommation
- Sports et divertissements
- Services
- Petites et moyennes entreprises
- Énergie et services publics
- Voyage
- Pétrole et gaz
- Local Customer Story
- Thème
- L'analytique
- Machine Learning et Deep Learning
- Marketing
- Data Management
- Fraude
- Gestion des risques
- Cloud
- IoT
- Data for Good
- Intelligence artificielle
- La prise de décision
- BeeFutures Using artificial intelligence to decode dance patterns of bees
- The Kids' Cancer Project Funding for groundbreaking childhood cancer research fueled by analytics
- SSAB Transforming steelmaking through IoT analytics
- Chr. Hansen A healthier planet through bioscience innovation
- Ulta Beauty Ulta Beauty glams up its marketing with personalized offers
- Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Leading cruise line personalizes passengers’ onboard experience in real time
- Toyota Financial Services Italia Getting more people behind the wheel with predictive modeling and personalized financing solutions
- Migros Money Modern, real-time marketing grew membership and incremental sales for leading grocery retailer
- Migros The right offer every time
- Orange Bank Combating financial crime and terrorism financing with real-time sanctions screening
- Iowa Department of Corrections The future of corrections: A data-driven approach to enhance safety and reduce recidivism
- auxmoney Fintech company’s rapid growth leads to consistent cloud strategy
- Georgia-Pacific Optimizing the supply chain with analytics and IoT
- TowneBank Unlocking the power of customer experience, compliance and innovation
- DSM DSM drives spending analysis, commodity coding with SAS
- Techcombank Revolutionizing fraud detection at Techcombank
- Orlando Magic Predictive analytics and AI deliver a winning fan experience
- Norwegian Seafood Council Fishing for the freshest data: Leading the global seafood market with analytics
- National Institutes of Health Breaking barriers in health research with diverse data sets
- North-West University Preparing the workforce of tomorrow with innovative data science education
- wienerberger The world’s largest brick maker’s path to sustainable manufacturing
- Boddie-Noell Enterprises From data to drive-thru: Revolutionizing fast food with AI and analytics
- Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbal Bond (KNVB) Reaching 3.6 million football fans via comprehensive marketing analytics
- The University of Alabama Filling the business analytics skills gap
- Delaware State Police Solving crime in less time with analytics
- Intesa Sanpaolo Climate-driven finance for a net-zero world
- Chiesi Group Advanced analytics in the cloud helps international biopharmaceutical group enhance operations and efficiency
- Shawbrook Bank Specialist bank accelerates digital transformation with cloud migration
- The Nature Conservancy Protecting nature with dollars and sense
- Southern States Energy Board Integrating data, generative AI and human expertise to tackle global warming
- Hillsborough Community College AI helps students graduate from college
- iGA Istanbul Airport One airport operator is making every journey personal for passengers
- Intesa Sanpaolo Accelerating stress testing in the cloud
- Jyske Bank Understanding the needs of banking customers in the digital economy
- University College Dublin Groundbreaking pre-eclampsia research could save tens of thousands of lives
- Healthy Nevada Project DNA analysis unlocks better health for communities
- Bissell Centre From data to dignity: How advanced analytics can help lift people from poverty
- Vanquis Bank UK bank uses advanced analytics to reduce risk and cloud costs
- Poste Italiane Advanced analytics and machine learning help Poste Italiane identify and stop fraud in real time while enhancing customer experience
- Intesa Sanpaolo Banking on the power of data: The analytical approach to trust, performance and productivity
- Banca Intesa Beograd Award-winning bank’s data-driven strategy boosts productivity, efficiency and customer centricity
- Ethniki Insurance Protecting policyholders through better fraud analysis
- ABBANK Making faster, smarter credit decisions while elevating customer experience
- Malta Tax and Customs Administration Modernization initiative set to improve taxpayer compliance and morale
- ITV Transforming the streaming landscape with innovative programmatic ad delivery
- AGEA Rooting out fraud and accelerating farm aid with advanced analytics
- READDI Getting ahead of the next pandemic with AI and machine-learning fueled drug discovery
- UTWIN French fintech modernizes its analytics approach with SAS Viya
- Erste Bank Austrian bank uses integrated risk and carbon calculation engine to steer toward net-zero by 2050
- REA Group Using customer intelligence to optimize advertising sales
- AIA Group AIA Group collaborates with SAS to embark on the IFRS 17 journey
- Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance Analytic models spotlight risky loans
- Voetbalmedia Voetbalmedia uses MarTech from SAS to better engage with 1.4 million football players and enthusiasts
- La ville de Cary Les villes connectées utilisent l'analytique et l'IoT pour prédire et gérer les inondations
- Town of Cary Municipality puts wireless water meter-reading data to work
- Black Dog Institute Maximizing the reach and impact of an eHealth hub
- Jakarta Smart City Jakarta Smart City uses IoT analytics to better serve residents
- Rijkswaterstaat Managing Dutch roads and waterways with intelligence
- 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. Customer engagement enhanced with cloud-based data and AI platform
- Deutsche Kreditbank AG Fast analytical defense
- CNseg Brazil tackles insurance fraud with AI and analytics
- CNG Holdings Identity management is key to preventing credit fraud
- Gallia-Vinton Educational Service Center Changing the data conversation in Ohio schools
- Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall Fighting loan application fraud with cutting-edge analytics
- Treezor European Banking-as-a-Service leader strengthens its AML/CFT and fraud surveillance system with SAS
- San Martino Polyclinic Hospital Advanced analytics helps hospital put patients at the heart of improved outcomes
- French Rugby Federation (FFR) French national rugby team boosts performance with AI and analytics
- Repsol Empowering customers to choose more efficient energy consumption
- Home Credit Hyper-personalized offers help consumer finance company elevate the customer experience
- Federal Public Service Finance Advanced analytics helps policymakers determine how new tax measures would affect citizens
- FPS Justice Enhancing road safety with advanced analytics
- Helse Nord Automated safety reporting protects hospital patients in Norway
- Oscar Lambret Center Optimizing cancer patient care with advanced analytics
- Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority Helping younger generations form a brighter future with early childhood intervention
- Fraport AG Advanced analytics helps airport efficiency take flight
- Tokio Marine Asia Achieving regionwide IFRS 17 compliance for insurance reporting
- Bank of East Asia Stopping payment fraud in real time
- SBI General Insurance Predicting real-time insurance needs with hyperpersonalization
- Euramax Taking the guesswork out of production planning
- Jan Yperman Hospital Hospitals save time and money with real-time medical device tracking
- West Virginia Fusion Center Making connections through high-quality data to enhance public safety
- North Carolina Criminal Justice Analysis Center Ensuring public transparency and one-stop access to crime data and analysis
- North Carolina Department of Insurance Recovering millions of dollars in fraudulent insurance claims via advanced analytics
- Fluvius Managing mergers and analytics: Ensuring reliable energy by eliminating risk
- North Carolina Collaboratory How streaming IoT data and advanced analytics help maintain COVID-19 vaccine integrity
- Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Analytics helps major public health system run efficient programs and improve patient care
- FPS Public Health Predictive analytics helps save lives during COVID-19 pandemic
- California's Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) Transforming mental health care in California, turning data into insight
- Zenith Insurance Driving business growth with better data
- West Midlands Police Using technology to keep the community safe
- Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi World’s largest sports and humanitarian event builds legacy of inclusion with data-driven technology
- South Carolina Department of Education Smart data exploration advances K-12 public education programs
- Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) Providing a smooth transition for military veterans
- Telstra Telstra calls on SAS to keep customers engaged
- University of New Hampshire UNH database aids healthcare decision making
- Salt River Project Making desert living cool and comfortable
- CIMB Singapore Transforming the consumer banking experience through advanced analytics
- Fratelli Carli A customer connection is the special ingredient
- Fédération Française de Rugby AI and data to boost French rugby performance
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation efforts take flight with analytics
- Comelit Group Making buildings – and business – more secure with analytics and AI
- World Wildlife Fund Improved donor funding helps protect wildlife
- Volvo Trucks and Mack Trucks IoT data with artificial intelligence reduces downtime, helps truckers keep on trucking
- Barilla Just add data: How data and technology — paired with a human touch — create a sustainable and quality culinary experience
- Dompé farmaceutici Improving data collection and modeling to accelerate predictive medicine efforts
- Sport Lisboa e Benfica One of the largest multi-sport clubs in Portugal aims to win big with analytics
- National Bank of Greece Transformation of the National Bank of Greece with SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure
- kt wiz Hitting fan experience out of the ball park
- S-Bank Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoring
- Adda Analytics helps ensure fair and balanced pay structures across Sweden’s public sector
- Shop Direct Digital retailer bags record sales with analytics
- Securities and Exchange Board of India Protecting investors from unscrupulous traders
- Topdanmark Hybrid approach ensures seamless experience for insurance customers
- Travis Perkins Building supplier nails inventory management
- USG Building materials leader optimizes production using analytics
- University of North Texas University aces data strategy to retain more students
- Wake County Zeroing in on property values with machine learning
- WildTrack Protecting Endangered Species with AI Solutions
- Foxwoods Resort Casino Hitting the jackpot with a new analytics strategy
- Government of Odisha Advanced analytics empowers the Government of Odisha to combat pandemic and help keep citizens safe
- Interamerican Bolstering insurance data protection while building customer trust
- IOM Hope, armed with answers, can overcome hardship
- Krungsri Consumer Thai bank safeguards customers while managing fraud detection in real time
- Levi Strauss & Co. The right fit in all the right ways
- NMIMS Businesses seek students with an analytics edge
- Seacoast Bank Finding your best customers with machine learning
- San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Changing the conversation about behavioral health
- Region of Southern Denmark Reducing hospital-acquired infections with artificial intelligence
- Oklahoma State University How to arm graduate students with real-world skills
- ODEC Generating power – and more value for customers
- DirectPay Making debt collection less painful
- Copenhagen Regional Psychiatric Centers Ensuring mental health patient safety during a global pandemic
- Kia Motors America Manufacturing smarter, safer vehicles with analytics
- CNM Strengthening communities with analytics in the cloud
- bioMérieux, Inc. Strengthening the fight against antimicrobial resistance via data visualization
- Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Managing risk to move faster in the marketplace
- Anchor Bay and Armada Area School Districts Nudging students and school districts toward unimagined success
- Ayalon Insurance A risk-based approach to combat money laundering in Israel
- Office Depot Europe : Un distributeur de fournitures de bureau crée une expérience client remarquable grâce à un marketing piloté par les données
- Iveco Group Putting IoT data from connected vehicles to work
- Western Kentucky University University uses analytics to ensure student success
- Des Moines Area Community College Advancing student success through better data analysis
- Techniker Krankenkasse SAS Viya and open source: Innovation through collaboration
- University of Idaho Boosting institutional research with data governance and self-service reporting
- Standard Chartered Bank Stress testing becomes competitive advantage with advanced analytics
- OTP Bank Romania Predictive analytics empowers bank to act quickly with confidence
- University of Alberta It’s all in the research: Using AI to solve issues in health care
- The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Advanced analytics empowers businesses with data-driven decisions
- Bank Leumi Low-risk strategy delivers top-level returns
- Yapi Kredi Calculating credit risk in half the time
- Wescom Credit Union Forecasting helps Wescom Credit Union save millions of dollars
- Erste Bank Croatia Better reporting yields better understanding of risk management
- Bank of Baroda Cultivating a risk culture
- InShared Integrated marketing improves results for marketers and customers
- Banca Mediolanum Building reliability in risk
- Gemelli University Hospital Italy’s second-largest hospital uses advanced analytics for effective pandemic response
- Aksigorta Turkish insurer achieves real-time fraud detection
- Telefónica Ecuador Real-time analytics helps telecom provider adapt to changing customer needs during global pandemic and beyond
- Nets Preventing payment card fraud one transaction at a time
- Ydrogios Insurance Advanced analytics can detect and prevent insurance fraud before losses occur
- Bangkok Bank Fighting financial crime through a global anti-money laundering platform
- InShared InShared adopte une approche marketing omnicanal intégrée grâce à la solution SAS Customer Intelligence
- Banca Progetto Des simulations et des modèles « résistants aux conditions de stress » avancés aident la banque digitale à faire face aux incertitudes
- Siemens Healthineers Automated laboratories improve uptime with analytics
- Oklahoma State University A model of institutional research champions the value of analytics for all
- Relais Colis Delivery company relies on analytics to optimize logistics and swiftly meet changing marketplace dynamics
- Local Government Federal Credit Union Making faster, better lending decisions
- PostFinance L'établissement financier suisse utilise l'analytique avancée pour réinventer sa stratégie marketing et personnaliser l'expérience client
- 1&1 Complex telco product portfolio, maximum agility thanks to intelligent decisioning
- Directorate of Economics and Statistics Building a decision support system
- New Zealand Ministry of Health Knowing the who, informs the what
- Orange County Child Support Services Child support agency uses analytics to provide better options for parents
- VietCredit Modernizing consumer lending in Vietnam
- CESCE Get more precision and detail on costs and business processes
- University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) Building a culture of analytics empowers university to lead as an educational enterprise
- Daiwa Securities Using artificial intelligence to better engage with customers
- Los Angeles County Large metro county improves indigent adult services; supports policy changes and protects privacy with SAS
- DER Touristik Travel and tourism forecasts become more accurate with analytics
- Eneo Forecasting accuracy brings ‘new energy’ to Cameroon
- Boston Public Schools Optimizing bus routes helps funnel cost savings back to schools
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Advancing mental health care with predictive analytics
- Gloucestershire Constabulary People first policing
- Nationwide Building Society Nationwide reduces fraud losses by 75%
- IAG New Zealand Better data quality provides accurate view of insurance risk and pricing
- Crouse Hospital Providing the best medical care via analytics
- Alliant Revolutionizing marketing campaigns with AI
- Landsbankinn Analytics powers anti-money laundering efforts
- Lockheed Martin Artificial intelligence and IoT analytics keep aircraft operational for crucial missions
- Sejung Staying ahead of retail trends
- Vodafone Ukraine Telecom calls on automation to improve market position
- NVM Property experts open analytics to new markets
- Bank of India Fast track to advanced operational risk management
- Akbank Optimization delivers more revenue while slashing marketing costs
- Irish Tax and Customs Using analytics to predict fraud
- North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services North Carolina gets tougher on crime
- Estonian Tax and Customs Board Improving audit efficiency
- Valencia College Valencia College uses data-driven approach to improve outcomes in higher education
- INC Research Trial, not error
- Texas Public Schools Raising the bar
- Crédito y Caución Data quality is a strategic decision
- Caser Seguros What does it take to win a price war?
- College of Education at Lipscomb University Helping students achieve academic excellence
- North Carolina Electric Membership Corp. Electric cooperative sharpens forecasts, reduces energy costs
- Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) Electric co-op forecasts demand and transmission needs
- Florida Department of Corrections Identifying potential trouble spots
- Triad Analytic Solutions Improving loss ratios and profitability
- EDF Energy Understand the propensity of your customers to defect
- Konica Minolta Japan L'intelligence artificielle de SAS permet d'améliorer la satisfaction client
- Curtin University Achieving academic and operational excellence through business intelligence
- SDC Preventing crime and ensuring compliance at 120 Nordic banks
- The University of Central Florida Self-service analytics advances higher education
- American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Analytics turns service repair data into cost savings
Bank of IndiaBank of India Fast track to advanced operational risk management
- İşbank Customer satisfaction, sales surge with improved customer intelligence
- Murata Manufacturing Same processes, significantly better yield
Irish Tax & CustomsIrish Tax & Customs Using analytics to predict fraud
E.ONE.ON Full speed ahead
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What customers are saying
On our shore excursion message, we saw an average uplift of 26% between the target group versus the control group. We did the same experiment on our Wi-Fi upgrade, and we saw an average uplift of 75%. Then on CruiseNext, which is one of our best-performing campaigns, we made an average uplift of 280%.” Ethan Rasti, Manager of Data & Analytics Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings
Our ESG goals are very ambitious and are driving toward carbon-neutral brick production. SAS is helping us move in this direction by allowing us to continuously reduce energy, and respectively CO2.” Florian Zittmayr, Team Lead for Data Science Wienerberger
We finished the stress test six times faster than before by rewriting some of the underlying models and using SAS Viya, a more efficient and cloud-accessible analytical platform.” Alessandro Ruffa, Head of Platform Financial, Enterprise and ESG Risks Intesa Sanpaolo
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SAS customer recognition award winners
Award: Innovative Problem Solver
Shionogi, a Japanese pharma company making a strong impact in infectious diseases and cancer pain, successfully replaced human-driven analysis programs in clinical trials with SAS machine-driven programs, becoming the first to achieve this in the industry.
Award: Curious Thinker
Pegasus Airlines, purchased by Esas Group in 2005, is a leading low-cost airline in Turkey. Using SAS Customer Intelligence 360 allows Pegasus to better target and segment its customer base, while defining communication channels for a personalized and effective passenger interaction strategy.
Award: Community Uplift
CPESN® USA is America’s first clinically integrated network of pharmacy providers. During the pandemic, SAS helped the network of 2,000 pharmacies meet extensive federal requirements for data management and reporting and administer nearly 7 million vaccinations to communities in need.